How long do fortified wines last?

How long will more fortified wines like ports, dessert wines and sherries last after they are opened? Does the extra sugar content and alcohol content make them last longer than a standard wine? And what s the best way to store them?
Benjy Levit, owner of Benjy’s Restaurant, Houston, Texas, responds:
The higher alcohol level does increase the shelf life of an opened bottle of port. But generally speaking, the older the port, the shorter the shelf life of the bottle once it has been opened. Vintage ports should be consumed within a couple of days of opening, while a tawny or late bottled vintage (L.B.V.) can typically be enjoyed up to two weeks after opening. Port, like all wine and spirits, is best stored in a cool, dry location with minimal direct sunlight and limited temperature variation.
Benjy’s Restaurant
2424 Dunstan, Houston, Texas
Antonio Gianola, Sommelier/Managing Partner of Catalan Food & Wine Houston, Texas replies:
The greater sugar content in these wines does help the wine last longer once opened. Ports, dessert wines and sherries can and do hold up much longer than table wines. Ports should be in good condition for at least?four weeks and sometimes up to six weeks or more.
Dessert wines, depending on grape variety and method of production, should last two to three weeks. Many sherries, due to the specialized mold that creates them, have been oxygenated during production and will easily hold up for a month or three. Some of the greatest examples of quality sherry should be consumed within a week or so, but many of these are only available in Spain.
There are several ways to help ensure a longer lifespan for opened wines. The easiest is to place the wines in the refrigerator. By cooling the wine you slow down the rate of oxygenation. Also helpful, but not quite as accessible, is filling the remainder of a bottle with inert nitrogen gas. It keeps the oxygen from touching the surface of the wines.
Catalan Food & Wine
5555 Washington, Houston, Texas