Party Thyme Quick Tip: Take Note

wine recommendationsIf you entertain frequently, consider keeping a diary of your parties. Information like who came, what was served, and quantities of food and beverage left at the end of the evening can prove immensely helpful for future party planning.

Let’s say you have a cocktail party every fall.  At the end of the evening, take note of what is returned to the kitchen, what worked and didn’t work. When your guests have left, count the number of bottles of wine (or other beverage) consumed. Your notes will drive decisions regarding  how much food and wine to purchase the following year, and most importantly, eliminate potential waste. For smaller dinner parties, keeping notes will also help you avoid serving friends the same entree from party to party.

I’ve seen party planning journals dedicated to exactly this purpose, where you can brainstorm on menu ideas, plan seating arrangements, make necessary notes and detail costs. There’s got to be an app for that, where you can upload photos, store  receipts, and keep important phone numbers like caterers, bartenders and musicians. Maybe you’ve tried one? If so, let’s hear about it in the comments!

Whether it’s a pretty journal, a messy file full of floating paper or a cool app, taking the time to take good notes reaps many important party planning benefits.

Have a great weekend! -alyce eyster

Photo: Fulton Davenport